A mate plays many roles.
We can grow closer and serve one another better
if we know where we are needD
Measure blood pressure and discover what keeps your lover healthY
“Day 4 Of The 40 Day Challenge – Love Is Thoughtful. So far we’ve challenged ourselves to being patient, kind and not selfish – three acts that need to continue throughout our daily lives. And as easy as they may seem, there will be times when you find yourself falling short – trust me, it will happen. But as we know change does not occur overnight, especially if you’ve been married for hundreds of years (gross exaggeration I know, but sometimes it feels like it). Just forgive yourself for yesterday’s shortcomings and keep moving forward because as the old adage goes – practice does makes perfect.
So today’s challenge is being thoughtful. And because men and women are wired differently (summarized perfectly in the book Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus), the results may not be the same for husband and wives. So ladies – just be patient with your man because all you can do is work on you – your part of being “thoughtful”. And here’s some food for thought – thoughtlessness is a silent enemy to a loving relationship.
So there you have it. Go ahead and try an act of THOUGHTFULNESS today – I dare you 🙂
Day 4 – Love Is Thoughtful
Contact your spouse sometime during the business of the day. Have no agenda other than asking how he or she is doing and if there is anything you could do for them.
How precious also are your thoughts to me … How vast is the sum of them? If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand.
Psalm 139:17-18 Source:
Posted By: ELLenor MOSS
Thursday, May 4th 2023 at 9:37AM
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